Friday, November 12, 2010

Seriell To Usb Rotronics

Our love how God is ineffable In praise of imperfection


Giving voice to what is deepest and truest in us, buried deep in my heart, that said there is no mystery or claim or 'soul' is for the music. Is it not true that all those who do not have words to say rely on music - and poetry, and story ...? And when they do not find the words of poetry and story and are always looking for the answer in music? I can always find a way to express themselves using it.

A philosopher wrote that music is ineffable God as it is an expression of the ineffable, that is, everything that men do not have words to express themselves.

How many times we happened to be called to say our feelings - even after they have been 'declared' a thousand times already - and not find the words, because we have already said all we know and why not others - because there are not any more!? and not to be 'believed'! How many times have we seen the end of a love, discovering in the tragic melt the embrace of souls to which they were abandoned for years the silent question in disbelief of those who have ceased to love but do not know how to get rid of the 'pain of the mind' ?

pain I call the mind the condition of those struggles in a state of incomprehension. Who feels painfully that the other does not feel our hearts because it is closed to understanding overwhelmed by abstract reason. The truth. Facing the truth my heart is silent. Is not it? But when God has been 'called' to create man there were those who suggested not to, because it would be lying. And there were those who suggested that he create it anyway because it would have been capable of good things. Then God the truth buried under the earth and created man. For there to be love is essential that the truth lies beneath the ground. This tells a parable Jewish.

When we happen to not find the words to say our desperate love, our hearts hints at hand, tries to express what stirs the bottom with other items.

So for us musicians. We feel we have to say, on behalf of our fellow human beings, our silent love. Sometimes the music comes from this gray area of \u200b\u200bconsciousness from the pain silent, the need to overcome the obstinacy that lies ahead. Is not the music on silence and victory over death? The language is always preceded and threatened by death. It 's our call to life the real things of our hearts. The longing. The sigh. The short gasp. The spasmodic tremor. The dance of the hours. Lake enchanted. The eyes of our women. The hands of a friend that we seek. The small hearts of children who dream of love that never dies. We need not die anymore, because we have already been abandoned once. It's about putting in all this music.

When everything is ready to begin. And he knows what he has to say the instrument of someone close to us. Then ask for hearing voices from within the heart and hand, which runs safe to say that the notes melt the pain of the mind. And the wave of memories you dance. The air around is filled with sounds unheard. Always the same result for us. Sounds outrageous to say to the raging wind and messes up the land. The music is stronger than the winds of discord. Its wave silencing the wind. Draw the inner plies and traces the paths that lead to the hearts forgetful and tired. Majestically you presence and fulfillment of the intentions hidden. Forward and stops the air. There is only you to speak for us.




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