Monday, May 14, 2007

Speeches Company Anniversary

the troupe

the unity of Abbasanta The drama workshop brought together a group of people who love theater and all that you can breathe behind the preparation of a play. The main author is Mario Deiana director and author of several dramas in limba already represented successfully in various locations in Sardinia with the theater company Ardauli he created years ago.
The debut before an audience of actors in the laboratory of unity took place in September 2006 to Abbasanta in celebration of the festivities of St. Augustine with a play by Mario Deiana entitled "Fizu meu s'est isposu a turnover, "the original version in limba (ardaulese variant) and for the occasion in the revised version of abbasantese Fellicò Cossu and Mario Mancini.
E 'a first, very positive, a large audience warmly welcomed the verve despite the inexperience of the actors who was able to give representation to the freshness and spontaneity of the acting is not common for beginners.
On 10 May 2007, the company of unity, again with the comedy "fizu meu s'est turnover in isposu" she performed in San Michele, the novena of Ghilarza country, again resulting in a remarkable consensus. Bonacatu fin in the mother of the groom was exceptional as well as Mario Mancini with the right setting and gestures performed by live actors.
Sandro Sias also enriched the stage with the naturalness of the bar, as well as Tore Deriu that Sandro and Mario have given evidence of their skill and ability when the script provided proof of singing with the song "on cunzertu. What about Mary Grace, graceful in behavior, and natural in the role assigned, and Anna's perfect "'Omar de Santu Juanni" and Antonio, with a single joke that can mimic the expressiveness of the gestures to describe the shape of our old superbly.
Fellicò is safe in part because he plays a role well known to him. And then the bride and groom and Debora Bruno with the right boost and engaging smile have dragged the public and yet the two Frenchman and Eleanor Elena casual and natural.
Another exception worth the interpretation of Alexander Bridges, the youngest son, who made his debut in San Michele, and then the tension was palpable both its occupants and other performers. Instead it was very good, moved well in the scene though with some little uncertainty and spoke in a timely manner and the right tone.




the Director


Eleanor and Helen



Maria Grace







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