Thursday, May 24, 2007

Herpes On Arms And Legs

The last commitment

E 'now for several months that the theater group has in the works of unity for a new job. This is the performance of the comedy "Trotu and bistrotu," a hilarious story in limba set in the early 60s in any country of our land but deliberately adapted to the speech of the high Oristanese (Ghilarza Abbasanta and Norbello) from the expert work of the group and especially by Fellicò Cossu and Mario Mancini.
With perseverance and diligence, we meet weekly, under the precise direction of Mario Deiana, to develop the whole, apt to find matching characters, study the environment of the scene, look for items that fit the period in question, but above all pray and pray again, partly because many are difficult dialogues, quite long and really need a great effort
Another very important thing that has characterized the period in question was the construction of a mobile structure (a real stage) consists of various elements assembled in a very short time, complete with curtain and scenes to allow the staging of plays from wherever it is requested that they provide.
Pireddu Antonio was one of the major creators of the work, creating some solutions that facilitate the assembly and disassembly of the structure, giving stability and solidity to the collection. The structure was first used during the performances in San Michele di Ghilarza 10 May '07, passing the test of fire in a very positive.

a view of the mobile structure


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