If there's one thing we fear, to us poor little creatures dust and mud (and a 60% water which do plin plin ), is what happens without any explanation. So much so that the world is full of wisdom-of-the exegetes then, that puzzled tirelessly to find a cause to all the crap that happen to us in life.
E ' maniacs that we are compulsive obsession with control , there is little to be done. So much so that if, for example, were to explode a nuclear war, we are confident that the world is divided into two categories of people: those who tear their clothes in despair, and those who sneer inside their bunker fallout .
fact is that just to give a rational explanation to disasters that occur we are ready to rubbish our intelligence (and those around us) with the most outlandish theories of the universe and the nice thing is that we will always find a multitude of our fellow ready to drink any shit but you can blame it on something . Type
when an octogenarian and one dies, one wonders, "and what is dead?"
(But fuck that means, "to what is dead?" E 'died of death, goddammit . It seems that no one has ever noticed that at a certain point, poof, you die. You confuse cause and consequence: is but one dies because he is sick, it's the opposite, because a patient is dying.)
Or come to my mind the scienziatoni of 1600, when people began to suffer from fever so, at any moment, thousands died and people were asking: why ? And since no
microscope is a big mess about bacteria that you pass the fleas from rats, the theories generally credited were:
1 - God is pissed . This was the highlight of the priests, we can frankly say that they had put a great business disasters. There is a famine? And 'God who is pissed off because they do not come to Mass . A fire? God wants you out, sodomites gomorroidi that you are not more victims. We were invaded by barbarians, who rape our women? God sent them, hey, punish your women (so they learn to let go of the apple trees). Now, whether or not God is the cause of the disaster, we can not know for sure, but if you can be sure of one thing, is that God is the cause of profanity.
2 - Saturn came in conjuncture with Jupiter. Seriously. It also said the Don Ferrante's dear Manzoni (one day we will speak well of him) that he gets the fever and died blaming the stars. Who knows with those who would take if the magician Othelma instead.
3 - Jews spread the plague because they are assholes . The Jews were something of a scapegoat for all the dicks could happen, the murder of Jesus to Hitler. Stepped on a shit? The dog was a jew. You fell down the stairs? A jew had smeared with Vaseline. When they were not Jews, who may happen that you fall ill, too, were the spreaders, or foreigners. The influence that carries off a few million people in the world at the beginning of 900, we call it the "English" to blame those fucking fighters. In Spain they called it the 'Italian', it seems that the virus we condissimo pizzas playing the mandolin.
4 - The humors of the body. Yes, our body was crossed by a lot of humor, and all diseases resulted from an imbalance between these fluids. This brilliant theory leads to practical fantastic that not even George Romero , type drill the head of those who had migraine to bring out too many moods, or pull away liters of blood from the patient to take his bad moods. It seems that the saying " are in a bad mood" was spoken by very pale guys with a hole on the front where you could see the cerebral cortex on which colonies of bacteria and viruses were celebrating the festival of idiocy Human dancing the waltz.
5 - Finally, the air, and by extension, the weather . As it was in Milan and the plague raged, he said he was guilty of moist air and fog. Probably to make up this brilliant explanation were Japanese tourists. According to this principle does not explain why the people were well in Frosinone.
Now, all this eulogy because we've recently read some theories about the cause of the global economic crisis that brings us so much trouble. Stuff like:
1 - The economy has lost sight of God ( strange parallel with the decrease of 8 per thousand donations )
2 - September 11 is entered in conjuncture with the flu swine ( with all due respect for the victims , we do not understand why they fall two skyscrapers in America and we lose the job)
3 - The Chinese and non-compete us unfair ( but the way we like Nike made in China that are cheap)
4 - There is global warming ( and no longer exist between seasons ).
Yes, we are also repetitive, but study the History hurts. It makes us realize that we are assholes, and assholes return.
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