Then start with the usual question: why do you prefer a game like World of Warcraft to a Isylea?
Well, MUDs have a feature that I think it can only be found in the GDR paper and a few other types of game: almost unlimited customization of objects, characters, places, actions, etc ... etc. For since these text-based RPG like the paper is on the word, the only limit, subject to respect the coherence of the world around us, is that of imagination. The graphics are minimal then, from icons to the minimap, it helps to give a first and immediate overview of what lies before us. Even then a game like WOW could enjoy the same customization (which would be made graphically) would still be a substantial difference between the two types of game, which is roughly what passes between a book and the TV.
Isylea And if one day, when Athu billionaire will, advanced enough to become graphically as Wow but with depth (and rules) now? For you it would be a gain or a loss?
I think there are things that as a game (a video game, in this case, because of this speaking) can be graphically advanced, can not make. These are your potential instead of the word (in the GDR paper) or write (in MUDs). In WOW, as in all MMORPGs, you can see your character, see the clothes we wear, the weapons challenges, see the world around him. In a MUD instead of all these things are described in words, with all the variety that makes the writing, leaving the player the task of imagining and imagining objects, characters, places, scenes ... So yes, the graphics alone can not, communicate all that you can communicate with words instead, the game will certainly lose.
Mud explore the structure of a text, if you like. I reflect often on how the medium affects such as in verbal interactions. How do you think having to write what you mean change what you mean?
It 'clear that the written communication suffers from several limitations than spoken. Lacks the body language of body, facial expression, posture, those who are the days of a conversation, all the elements of spoken language such as intonation, which help to define, for instance, some emotions. In Isylea, all these nuances and components can be transferred through the express written in the language (or during the conversation with the command ":_") but this certainly takes time, the choice of terms and expressions, in a game that is real-time, and then controlled by the repartee. So maybe you find that it does not always write what you meant describes the "manner" in which it would have meant ...
But I also believe that having to think about what is said and putting it in line helps a lot in the interpretation. Should facilitate the separation from pg, is not it?
Tell the truth, after posting this question on the pg, you're going to talk about the final death ... Anyway, I hope that regardless of all manage to maintain a certain detachment from what is on their characters and do not let them go around to talk or act as if you were him. The fact remains, however, to think about what they say with their characters, being able to say how you would act and do as you would like, but above all to realize that from the outside, what he says and does is perceived just as everyone had imagined, can only generate satisfaction, and I think inevitably there are diseases to their characters.
No, I do not want to talk about death all, I want to talk about the gap between player and pg. Let me ask at this point in your opinion what it means to have a proper detachment.
Well, for example, means no contact on msn or forums who killed us, filling it with insults and do the same if someone in the game weaves behind us by putting us in undesirable situations and unpleasant. Simply, if you feel they were victims of someone who has not complied with the regulation, we note it in the game who has the task of refereeing. In general, then take with equanimity whatever happens to our pg, even worse, as sometimes it may seem that the "damage" is aimed at the player rather than the PG (and perhaps sometimes the intent is just that).
Speaking of posting. I "surprised" by pg often read the word "frustrating" aspect of this game is frustrating, it's frustrating to lose the equipment, the continuous attacks of this enemy or that are frustrating ... how is it possible for you that a game genres frustration?
Well, even in a game there are wishes that everyone would like to see heard and / or goals you would like to achieve, and / or needs that would satisfy. When this fails, maybe the first time you think "Ugh that sucks, so far nothing," the second "mh, will be the next" (and so far we could speak of disappointment), but in the long run, no-reward dall'esaudirsi arising of a desire, a repeated failure to reach a goal, or the refusal to meet a need, can cause frustration and this happens whenever an obstacle blocks the achievement of a purpose, by someone who be strongly motivated to achieve it. Analyzed what on the other hand, I think it means that players in the game, agree strongly. Of course, when this state takes over, then you should be able to post this in the context of (but in the meantime has run generated) under which it was born, namely that of a game, and by virtue of posting the above, give him weight it deserves.
I suppose it is unnecessary to reiterate the hackneyed phrase "no matter the goal, a matter the way you do to achieve it (or unreachable)"
Well, the achievement of the goal that we set itself is the ultimate satisfaction of a journey. Clearly, instead of all that's left of a path, excluding ultimate satisfaction is that wealth of experience during our journey, worked around the obstacles and / or problems solved.
It is not the end what counts? Isylea looks very much like a simulation of real life in a medieval fantasy world. And as in real life, difficult to reach the goals that you had prefix differently from real life, however, in Isy you may happen in the meantime a lot of things cool.
Saying that "in real life hardly reach the goals that you had the prefix" seems a bit 'pessimistic, actually. It depends on the objectives to be pursued, which are aware of their potential. Fortunately, in a fantasy world, you can fantasize and Porsena (i pg) also aware of impossible (the player) of the fact that they are, and act as if this can be achieved. And where is it written that in a fantasy world, some of these goals difficult to reach, is not achieved. Basically isylea also resembles a real-life simulation, but it is not the same thing (or I hope will not be considered as such) would not be identical, but would become a simulation of real life and lose much of its charm.
True and I agree, but it takes a balance from this point of view. If all blacksmiths are aimed to forge Excalibur, we would have too many games in Excalibur. Then it must be ensured that only a blacksmith, probably in the entire Isylea history, can forge Excalibur. Then others can not get angry because they do not have it done, as if the game had to guarantee to everyone the success of their goals. A world of heroes and flattens the figure of the big companies and big business.
fact no one should play a role, just having the confidence that their goals are attainable, but playing consistently to achieve them equally, with no guarantee that this happens. You mentioned Excalibur, then take the same example: all blacksmiths can also set itself the goal of forging, but I imagine that only one (maybe) we will succeed and what all this time it will have gained the necessary knowledge and in that time has played consistently to achieve this goal. Five years after opening several blacksmiths have come and gone, but I think that currently, the company, more than one candidate can not be identified, and perhaps even he will succeed, for one reason or another. That is to say, in a world like that of Isylea, where heroes are not born, but (maybe) it becomes, all these candidates heroes do not see them, then candidates of the same heroic undertaking, even less.
idea that you personally have a heroic undertaking of a character? What is the point at which a player can say at some point "here, I did it, I can now move on"? If you think a company
heroic, the first that comes to mind is, set in NIRS, Glosnar where he died. It was a very special place (not necessarily unique, it could re-occur, why not ...) with great courage and most importantly led his ultimate sacrifice in order to defend and ensure the welfare of others. In this case we speak of a hero and a heroic act "good". For symmetry, a heroic act "evil", I imagine, however, extremely remarkable, not necessarily of great courage that can involve the sacrifice of others to achieve, generally, a personal advantage, or in extreme cases, even the extreme personal sacrifice, in order to bring the evil of others. In one way or another, is something that will be remembered and told to posterity. I think a player would say "there, I did it, I can now move on" (and this regardless of their heroic deeds), when he thinks he has given all he could with their characters or do you think now you can give to more in other capacity or to have received enough gratification from what has been done: I do not think it is no secret that the pg was played by Glosnar Dingwath, as well as that of Darsizayn. Glosnar left the scene died a hero, Darsizayn, died of old age, while leaving an important legacy to posterity. In short, both of its passage have left track. I imagine that after having participated directly in the drafting of the BG two major clans, after being routed, being at the same time, the chieftain in both, and have triggered the fuse of what would be the first and greatest internal conflict (of thought and sometimes even physical) for Khenam, has said: "Behold, I have done enough, I'm satisfied," and has become a master (otherwise he could get another pg).
So we can say that the goal of "perfect" is to trace in the game?
Yes, leave traces of their existence in the game and give something back to the history of the game, until he thinks he can do and you do not run what may be its contribution to enriching it.
Ok, let us return briefly to the usual track of the interviews. Do you ever wonder how the human, and why of all the roles just what you choose.
When I started playing there were only humans, so the choice of the breed was required. I was by The Gate, where for nearly six years since TG began when he saw the end, I played a character nano, so I said I wanted to play something diametrically opposite: not a warrior, but a scholar, not a character physically handsome, but a physically weak and debilitated. The choice of the scholar was not random, but in my idea, preliminary to what I had chosen to play and guess who is not a secret: a magician. A desire to be more precise, I had in mind a particular kind of magician and I must admit I have been lucky twice: first, because the magic in Isylea actually existed (and I did not know), the second that because there was even one form of magic that I would like my pg apprendesse (and even that I knew and indeed, in retrospect I realized that this is much at stake in this quest and places). At that time I was reading then ... Guess what? The Chronicles of Brothers Majere.
And I thought you were inspired by the saga of Scuotivento I do not know if you know ....
Never heard ...
You! Read the color of Magic by Terry Pratchett, you will open up a world. However, what are the major potential of playing in Isylea magician, and what side do you think should be developed that better / correct?
I will, maybe I draw inspiration other! However, the magician in general Isylea is a character quite rare. Rare because unlike all other careers, is not that from day one that comes into play embark on the path of magic, but first you have to follow what I call a first introductory course, and maybe ... In fact, however Isylea is a fantasy mud, endless possibilities for building, and being the magic, the greatest expression of his fantasy component, the greatest potential of the game of the magician is the ability to interact with the surrounding world in the most "fantastic". Resources permitting, rivedrei So those are the spell effects, extending the series of situations in which a spell may have its usefulness and rivedrei just how they are progressing in ability: That may be true that until now the mechanism has suffered from various bugs and fix it when it was used by a handful of pg, maybe not worth it, but after more than three and a half years (the first pg, including myself, learned magic in ' April 2007), it seems to me that learning has been quite slow ...
For some time now apparently become a sort of Khenam Hogwards. What advice to you pg now look at the game of wizard?
First I must say that this thing I do not mind: I began to feel a little 'alone ... and then finally I'll have more benchmarks. Only advice I can give you ... see ... ah ... DO NOT believe a word of that .. Cheim toss, joke ... if you have not already noticed, you will realize that art is magic perhaps, of all abilities, one that grows more slowly (or at least that was my experience): a role only for those willing to enjoy a rewarding long, very long term ... perseverance and dedication. You are a
he plays very alone, while the principle is the interaction of Isylea. Got something to say in your defense? : _puntandoti Bright light in the face
beginning of this criterion alone was dictated by necessity: not having much time, and this being discontinued, and the availability unexpectedly, I have always preferred a more solitary game, not having to need to be forced to ditch those who stood by me. In this I was helped by the nature of my character: If I was not often that I approached the people, as often as were the others to stay away from me Morkai certainly is not the person with whom would you go on vacation. They are not however afraid, being shy, maybe he helped shape the way I wanted him and the perception others have of him. Ultimately then, we say that the fact that the characters most sought after of the game, has further amplified the thing and now even fewer people who could attend, most of those who do not want me to do the end of the roast chicken!
And how you live pg most wanted game?
say that it is not easy. Getting even the most trivial things become a business, especially after the death. Yet moving to avoid being seen or crossover, is not trivial, even taking all precautions. Sure but it's exciting. But the biggest is definitely against another: the last time I happened to meet someone who recognized me and that he intended to catch, the game was not very "relaxed." Since these rare occasions and being strong enough desire to capture me, those times seem possible, the opportunity is seen as being so greedy as to generate the strong intention not to have it escape, almost at any cost ... but it's okay, okay equal ...
This type of interaction is a big mess: speedwalking, you point me the knife, I will point the compass, I pledge to thee and thou untie ... Sometimes players make me a little 'Tenderness', because I understand it is really hard to behave impeccably in a situation where there is to win or lose. What's your rules in this regard?
You are right, in which there is to win or lose. For I am now convinced that the situations I live (because it's already happened), will always be of two types and will change according to the place in which they will conduct. [2] (after you begin to understand why this one) in the cell. Here a magician you remember (or you play it this way) that can be dangerous only when it is behind bars, that can not really harm in any way to escape: at that time only those who have God's protection can approach him, while another five are the other side of the bars to make sure that nothing dangerous happens. The cell is then the typical place where the jailer can not lose, since, at least in his presence, the prisoner can not escape. The stakes in this place are so nearly perfect. [1] In the wild. If that same magician meet him for the wild, the most devout even dare to join a big step, to focus the famous sword in the throat. After that express, whatever you do, the best part off the message "Hey, but you have a sword pointed at his throat, you can not move"
you think there is a basic rule to follow, which indicates the best way to behave in such cases?
We are talking about those situations where A has the intention to physically overpower B, those situations should be preceded by the famous massive dose of play. It soon becomes clear, in this competition to give his views of what kind of game / player you're talking about, if we sense to be where those who are conscious of winning mechanically, does not like to lose this race to express themselves, and therefore does not allow it franca, insisting no use. Better accommodate and, if the play does not end there, hope to have another chance. In general, therefore, avoid the attitude of "at all costs."
But do you think you can have fun losing?
Sure, you can always cheer and losing, if you decided to play a character like Inspector Zenigata, Willy coyote, a coincidence that the trio Drombo, or characters of the same category. In fact thinking about it could be a very smart choice ... But in fact I believe that this choice is very rarely done, because all design instead of playing characters like Lupin, Beep Beep, a duo in the case of Yatterman, usually always win, and when one of them loses (there can be a world in which win all of them) mean that things did not go as hoped and planned. In a world as varied to Isylea however, I think this is a false problem: there are so many ways to win, lose and make up for a defeat, losing that much should not be this much drama. I am also convinced that more than losing, the kinds discontent how it was lost, if the conviction was born that our opponent did not play by the rules ...
About this, what about the use of off-channel? I know that their mere existence is to spoil the game, because just a random event happens rained recommendations for use of info off. Is there really a culture of suspicion unbearable. It would be a better world without msn?
In fact in more than a few occasions, a careless use of info-off was most likely done. It is also true that this rarely if they can have proof. Things would not improve without msn, because even without this, there would be another way to talk about game, outside of the game. In principle I would not even mind if two friends as they tell an exciting film seen on TV in front of a pizza & beer, tell one of the amazing adventures in the game: the most popular info-off would be assessing the reasons for which you disclose. Ideally, the info-off was not exploited for benefit in the game. Sometimes this is possible, many others do not.
I speak from the point of view of the quest. Too often we have to give up ideas about this area because, once acquired by a character, make the info off the old. From this point of view I think that dramatically shorten the longevity of many aspects of the game.
seems that the culture of suspicion is strong in you! But yes, the repeatable quests suffer from this defect: Once completed one, are carried out by many others, these friends, in cadenced organized pilgrimages, a bit 'type trip asylum. I hope this becomes nno reason not to implement other. Maybe once aware that the quest has become obsolete, perhaps eliminate it would not hurt.
you are not keen to build palaces and mob puzzles and if you know you will be used only once and then remove them, you know?
Well I do not say once, but after perhaps a hundred, the quest has done its job very well in my opinion. It is not that all users shall be conducted by force. Not much point in a lamp in a cave that you just rub to ask the genius to be able to get stronger, if pg platoons of them are already gone. I understand that it takes a lot longer to describe, implement, think of stories (as in a MUD) to prepare some form or already pre-packed scenes and sites to describe in words (as in a paper RPG) but it is a "defect" of the structure that of the game. By the way, is that with all these interviews you have neglected the building of some description, mob or enigma? Back to "work"!
I tell you that I just spent the summer on a thing of epic proportions, including descriptions, bg, and buildaggi mob. Now I'm on vacation. Now you think I think the problem of old age, but it is not. I was reminded of one thing, talking about longevity: Isylea existed because, six years? In your opinion, after all this time (if I remember correctly there was no news arrived), what are the prospects and problems to which we are heading? This aging "of the characters is just one example.
TG has experienced roughly the same time, but the only difference being that you could not see an implementation of new (except for items) for at least half the time, yet the people we played numerous and, if it were not closed, there would play much longer. So I think that here too, even if you stop by tomorrow to implement stuff, people still play. (Subject to discover new is always nice). The only problem related to the longevity of the mud in general, I see The subjects: if for some reason it should decrease (right now I think there are a few pg to that required to ensure that the game stands up well) begin to have Isylea very short life.
I agree that in most need some pg. Even many, in my opinion, a dozen more on average in the evening.
That might be the minimum, but if they were more certainly would not hurt. Many positions now vacant or poorly covered (I mean especially the human reality) who would maybe want to play, maybe even grow the audience for those groups that I hear very little: Uryen and Yerba, for example.
There are some roles that are suffering from a chronic lack centuries. I refer to as the binders between humans. The problem is so chronic that one might ask, but it is a pure utopia to imagine a game where the PCs agree to play for the "bourgeois"?
In humans, the role of the collectors are actually a bit 'nerds. For other races, is a role that often overlaps with another, the role of craftsman at least, maybe when it comes to dryma warrior. In humans, however if you are collector (logger, miner, hunter, etc etc) e. .. enough. Indeed, at least for me, it would play a very attractive, indeed, it would be for nothing. Roles are, however, that may go well during the youth of a character: roles in the availability of jobs there, in which practically give you everything to start working, it takes a nest egg aside and while we experience in waiting to do something else, maybe we like it more.
think that eliminating this portion of the game would do more good or more harm? And why?
Eliminate the requirement to depend on (in the case of the human race) by the presence of PG, which play the role of collectors could also be a well: it would be tested. Certainly those who choose this role, he would because he likes to play, not play it because it serves. Moreover, one would see that collectors are not pg, collect raw materials only because there are not collectors but the subjects are the same. I imagine there are currently 1-2 blacksmiths, carpenters, many, many (if all goes well) tailors and / or leather goods. Let's say a dozen artisans. Ha, each of them, need at least 4-5 pg gatherers? It means that it would take 50, too. I'd rather see a world in which there are only a couple of blacksmiths, carpenters, many, many tailors and / or leather goods, but a little more, but at present it could not sustain even. Of course I'm not talking about an implementation whereby the human rain from heaven trunks, nuggets, meat and skins for free, but finding a solution whereby the supply takes place, has a cost, and perhaps also influenced by factors that will lead somehow and periods of low abundance, independently of the presence of PG binders. This could be a solution, but do not ask me how to achieve it, because on two feet now I do not know.
My fear however is that you should be prepared to break the game balance so basic that it would create a butterfly effect of unimaginable proportions. For example, what would the dryma that advantage as they the very fact that they do not need constant SUPPLY?
You could still try. I was talking to a flask (as raw material is introduced and how much it costs to introduce it) so that it does not ensure self-sufficiency and independence from the bins, but to provide the bare minimum. By the way, I do not think the advantage would be lost anyway dryma: dryma in, the user of a weapon is almost always the one who builds and who find the materials to build it. In humans the three roles were nevertheless distinct. The system also as I said before, it should also be affected by the influence of factors which will lead somehow and periods of low abundance (eg, sabotage by those who seek to infect humans on their weak point: the supply). If you see that the very thing unbalance the game, you can always go back.
Ok, I think this interview is coming very long. What do you say if we go to the classic final questions?
Go, shoot.
First the usual opinion on the work of staff, bluntly, in all aspects: building, implementation, quests, forums, and so on.
As for building, nothing to say. Isylea includes such a wide variety of mechanical, which I think of "important" there is nothing to implement (unless you include other races), more than anything to be placed here and there. Also about the quest, nothing to say: I remember with pleasure all those in the first period of the clan Hesychast, when I was still a young clan had really started and the very, very pg. I must admit I have always been very exciting.
Let the game of the races, you know?
Sure, where do we start?
Humans, of course!
Humans are undoubtedly the most politically complicated race. He looks like a monster with 4-5 heads and one body: a head wants to go one way, one another. In deciding where to go they bite each other's ears, but almost always end up not going anywhere, staying roughly in the same situation Stall perennial. They are still my favorite race: inside game is really for everyone.
In their most common game, namely that known to all Indians driven from their lands, which are perhaps more than any other race (except the orcs, who after all are not free of interaction on this side of the pass) draws because it roughly and without fear of violent savages, the typical bully boy, that when added to the 'ignorance of what is a role playing game and its rules, being a game, it creates a tremendous combination. I guess it's really difficult to manage a clan chieftains de genre, but I must admit that the Most of the time it seems to me to be successful in the enterprise. I was referring of course to Baheli and to some extent to Thrang, where game can be bad if it is here that the environment is ideal, since each member is brought to you almost exclusively only one type of interaction with the outside hostile , ie the type more difficult to manage. Uryen and Yerba, I've met so few times that a case has not arrived.
That Dwarf is a breed that have always been particularly fond of. Not for nothing, I played a dwarf on TG for six years. Nothing to complain about them. At best, the only thing I would have to accuse him (so to speak) is their first collaboration-friendly with dryma, Thrang: traded with them, despite Baheli cousins. I think it was a very forced and dictated by necessity off-game. So much so that now no longer the case, it seems, has run and the game is now broken.
Idem elves, dwarves as, at first used to help the potenza_di_fuoco Thrang. I'm tempted to ask if they had never noticed what to wear, what to eat or had made the tents, weapons or protections in Thrang that this helps. Then simultaneously break the boxes to a herbalist, accusing him of mutilating human plants, because they caught the leaves. Also this game seems to have broken, fortunately. Haughty, sometimes too forcibly.
of them talked so bad, but the only time I had to do in their fortress, they seemed not so bad. True, however, that the worst, as I said earlier in the case of dryma, it turns out during hostile interactions, and that was not in this category.
Goblins are the breed with which I enjoy more than to have to do, although I must admit that my experience is almost exclusively limited to one pg of this race, which, although I have played some trick, I must admit did it really in style! They really hands-on EVERYWHERE, though rarely are those that I call the "primary users" of everything you are or whatever they learn.
Ok big question we turn to the staff! Make me a question, and I will answer you! (If you has one!)
Well, magic (in general) Isylea and Magicians. Isylea born (I seem to remember) as a game of war between wizards, then turns, and becomes a low-magic game and again it is stressed that the magic in Isylea is a magic utility ", but ... the vast majority of spells used to take offense or defend against an offense (although the effectiveness of this, is to defend that to offend, I would have much to say) then, focused on combat. Removed then the magic of pg, the only other magic, one that more than anyone has seen practiced by the mob, is of really badass (you can say fuck?), How the hell are the mob who practice it, those who not sure you approach it lightly and certainly not lead to the first offense, capable of killing you with their finger also indicative only. So, what is or is expected to be, and what will or the power of magic on Isylea?
Magic Isylea strongly affected by this initial setup (a war game between the Wizards, as you said) that was very different from what later became the targets - more cultural war - a magician PG within the current environment. These bases were later supplemented with more varied use of spells, but it's still a long way to see a spell with an orientation sufficiently large over the battle, because many types of magic are difficult or impossible to achieve in an online game (such as do you read the mind of a PG to see if he lied or look for information?). The spell "fuck" the mob, most part of this slice of magic that becomes possible only through animation, special or leases, or other special combinations of ad-hoc solutions. Then to kill with one finger maybe we will reach even the PG, only that the mob have 100, 1000, 10000 times more years of experience. Moving on to the next question: Imagine that Athulea has the days of 45 hours and can spend half a Isy, what is the implementation that dream?
An implementation that allows the study of potions and herbal preparations in general or better (this is much more complicated) that allows the testing, some ingredients from intuition and / or known, color or other attributes of the potion itself, together comparing the result with the known sample, determine what you achieve is closer to the exact combination. Then, you know that request to the staff in post titled "[PROPOSAL] new spells? Here, the ones there, other than that I'll add you! And then ... and then ... and then ... Necromancy on other stuff!
Well the last question! Tell us what was the exciting moment in your career ruolisticamente Pià Isyleiana.
An event that I was very impressed, this was the sphere of NIRS. It was great to see so many Hesychasts engage and succeed in their purpose. Among the most recent one I am really excited however, was no doubt when I became a father! "Stretch your arms into a corpse ... Try to channel the dark energy that flows in your body into a corpse ... A corpse rises suddenly to his feet, animated by a dark magic! "
Okay we miraculously finished, and now I doubt I am to be a corpse animated by you!
The doubt I have left after I smell the armpit. We urgently need a shower! Then I will roll in the mud: it is the only way to gain the respect of dryma I'm going to interview next time!
PS The winner of last Brain is: Learah! That will add to the previous winners: Nostos, Leeuw, Akallabêth. At this point we are uncertain whether, as the No-Prize, dedicated to each of them a card or a Gatering Isylea the page Isylea the Comic! In their choice. In the meantime, proceed with the next Brain:
creature that belongs to this description? See
a small rodent longer than about ten inches long and about fifteen if you include the tail. It has an orange-yellow that becomes less intense at the bottom. His ears are small and not well developed, the tail is long and completely covered with hair and his eyes are large and blacks.
Come along!
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