Monday, December 13, 2010

Birthday Invitation Wording 27

Stop the time

convincing us to spend our life every day that you can bring order to chaotic motion of things around us. We strive for decades, year after year, to ensure that the interior matches the exterior, there is balance and measure in us. Devise the most sophisticated systems to achieve the desired distance between us and things. We strive to apply the same measures to our relationships with people. We rock in the early stages of life and destiny of the project, moving from the idea that everything can be changed at times to contemplate resignation that nothing changes, people never change. We turn to the other always strive for the change that we invoke in them, rush to change ourselves, having espoused the idea that the queen is we who must change (first).

adulthood and maturity, that we do not remember what it is, shall make realistic, but also resist the idea that we should resign ourselves to the reality as it is. Accumulate on the life sentences and proverbs to be used in different circumstances, using maximum and famous phrases that might counteract each other. In moments of great lucidity we cling to one final truth that claim, only to repent of our vitality has been folded and the other in a rigid formula that is never wise to close the river of life that carries everything with him. Among the wisdom of one who contemplates the spectacle of life and property who follows her frantically, convinced that the only thing to do - "he who hesitates is lost!" - Do not we ever decide to choose, as if it were to embrace a philosophy of life that finally make us happy. We are threatened stasis, immobility, even contemplative life, as if to evoke the death. We will not stand still and watch.

There also seems, however, that we should walk, not necessarily run. We were told that experience means 'living' but well, perhaps better, 'path'. When we look for authenticity and interiority, with the long train of virtues that are required to say "this is a man," we cling to the 'lived' what we think are true. When we want growth and change, we call upon the ability to 'walk', to advance, taking up positions 'higher' than 'start'. We rely on the good side of life now to one now to another idea of \u200b\u200bthe experience. Then we decide that one can not exclude the other. So we strive to combine, connect, integrate, sum. Everything seems to be (more) clear.

remains to decide time, whether it should be considered medical or not. If you have the power to cure or not. If we always and only us to bring comfort and ease the pain or whether trust in things, in the power of consciousness, which purifies, settle, purifies, regardless of the time it lazily lingers and hesitates.

continue to believe, convinced us that it is enough to stay with a person, perhaps in silence, to make her feel that she is not alone. We know from experience that this is enough and more, just a word at the right time to witness our silent love. We do not intend to resign terrible idea of \u200b\u200bwho requires endless testing to our hearts, because never satisfied with our old love.

We have learned to be to here and now, with us, at rest and in motion, engaged and thoughtful, broken down and aggressive, agitated and peaceful, open and closed, exalted and melancholy, enraptured and terrified , with low thresholds and on tiptoe, as high-pitched voice and organ and torn and tired and hearing to ask a little more 'love.

We do not know what they had promised, but at the same time we were warned not to delude ourselves. And we hope to open and there are more deluded.

But how do you live, tell me, without dreaming of a voice that speaks to us and we are looking for a look, just us in the crowd, and it stops for a long time to contemplate us, just us, and for a short or so it stops time, and how do you then decide if that dream should last and how much and even if we can say yes and still continue to believe that you can dream during the day, confident that they have already come thieves home to rob us of our most cherished dreams, slamming the door house before?

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