Thursday, October 21, 2010

Atherosclerosis And Multiple Sclerosis

A radical contingency


When a young musician asking you to talk about improvisation, it is more difficult to answer. If we want to know what is exactly what is meant by the expression at the same time more difficult and more immediate - perhaps the least discussed - do not know if you're more ignorant or more insinuating her. Why find in her eyes a kind of complicity, an insistent gaze, like someone who wants more than one answer. Our thoughts turn to the word 'provocation': try to get in trouble, he wants to know precisely what that expression means that you have used many times without ever defining it and then your answer is an answer to her, only her? You have to find the words that you expect. We will test them as male, as a musician, as a 'master'. Ti rises to the dignity of his master and you have to keep the place you placed: you can not back or pretend not to understand. He does not want to talk about music. He wants you to know what the source farther away, the root of a musical practice that establishes itself, is set up radical contingency , indeed! From which region you come from the fact that you get to improvise? What precedes you? What follows then that 'say' in music? More. How to get to be 'radical' the contingency of which you speak and what kind of 'contingency' is that which is established in practice? and that means 'practice'? And how your practice is different from that which would have her, she's a woman? There is a feminine way of 'performing' in musical improvisation? (I thought of the name Rita Marcotulli, but a name is enough to justify a 'theory', even to justify the idea that there is a specifically feminine way of doing improvisation?)

There 's been the case. It made me all these questions and maybe more. These are the most important, at least for me. Surely, I will not answer all, judging from the wry smile with which he departed at the end of the lesson.

For me, this is eternal arrive instantly when everything is in order, inside and out more than me. It 's easy to have the tools and people to the desired location, after you create the right atmosphere, but if we have never met you soon discover that they are only excuses that camp when there is no order in it. Not we are ready. Here is another 'secret' of Mark Serrani revealed! I will be so much as you want, but you try it to have eternity in time! Should fire at the same time a clear mind, you need to see what he stands there in front of you ...

The practice of music is a bit 'as a journey. [...] We should not necessarily know how long the journey, or where we are going. It can not happen to enter any territory, or that it proves a dismal swamp that no one desiderererà visit again, but when we appear, albeit briefly, new beautiful landscapes, all will be even more surprising because unexpected. (M. Vitale Looking for a shared sound: the musical improvisation between education and training , Franco Angeli, 2004, p.9)

Music Improvisation is therefore experiment of identity. The thought of improvising music focuses on the experience of his own universe that connects a subject - himself, his musicianship - an object - the sound - a living history, emotional, rational, but that is only partially known .

My student was particularly Critics appreciated these accents, and I could hear the deep sincerity. Maybe you expected me to say: it takes temperament, and strong knowledge of the science instruments ... I spoke to, however, identity uncertain, even frail. I am convinced that it grows with your music. I have found another 'secret' of Mark Serrani! Shyness? You still think it's a way to behave like mine is a sign of poverty, lack?
also find themselves facing a young musician, without being able to say with certainty what it hides his soul is an easy task? I am not speaking of respect, to which it is due, otherwise I would not be a man worthy of the name and she would not be a student who is entrusted to me ... I mean I respect you want, but we also want to contact, transport, and enthusiasm. And how do these things without falling into the ambiguity, ie not you think an interest that goes beyond music?
Some time ago I wrote an existence suspended? ". Here, these are the times when you may doubt me, what I'm doing. In reality, there is always to find a measure of human relationships. I'm on this side. I prefer to lose valuable opportunities to be in ecstasy in front of a woman, not because it's my woman and then only because I believe that music should bind us. A student is a student. It 'a challenge the request that threw me when I asked what you think about a woman who improvises. You will understand the emotion I felt, if you think the fact that some people believe that women have no soul, they are just impulse and desire ... So, should I venture into its territory: to say that she has a soul, that I see and appreciate ... Do you understand where is the challenge? They are called into question. It 's like I was saying, try to say I am not a woman, I do not have feeling ... So, if you are not a piece of wood, try instead to say what you feel when you find yourself in front of me, I am a woman ... Of course, talking about music is an emotion unknown to her. Even this 'zero degree' of communication between us threw me the center of the terra incognita that we call 'radical contingency' of our practice.





Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Best Place To Buy Proto Scooter Wheels

The biggest risk is not making a mistake

Dear Dario,

between IRA and you could make me feel Halloween in Derry, helping my imagination to travel the roads between the bombs and witches. Even as children we are getting used to this holiday imported. Knock on the door with a basket and immediately ask, "Trick or Treat?". I do not know yet when they become dangerous with Halloween. Meanwhile, we are the trick: it is not expedient answer "Treat." You never know!

Frequently Always Sandinos? and the music is the same as always? by prestigious groups are still outside playing?
Saturday came out in the insert of a major newspaper in a weekly service Fashion Ireland. I thought of you.
TolentinoExpo The second edition was completed after three and a half days of opening to the public. They seem to have more than 30,000 people visited the Fair!
As you see, here too there is life. Derry is not, but we can not complain.

My students torment me at every lesson, now, with jazz. They want every time you tell them something new. Tonight I think I will run to say the irreversibility as a condition to improvise.

sparti David speaks thus:
Who can clear up a failed step. Who can not unexpected, nor can the next day, return to ring - but better - the same track, or to correct itself, not before the same audience, at least, can only continue from what has already run [.. .] There is a time out for those sudden.
Because improvisation is a practice irreversible, many jazz musicians have learned to exploit their own mistakes or those of their colleagues to undertake new paths as they fly improvisations. For most of the mistakes made during practice improvisation are almost never trivial but originate unusual combinations and bizarre ideas that are difficult to jazz musicians would come to mind in other contexts. Moreover, the biggest risk for those who suddenly is not making a mistake but not be interesting.

Students will not settle for these ideas which, I confess, are taken from the thesis Aesthetics of a friend of mine in Bologna. They'll want to know how, for example, the irreversibility is married with life as it originates from. They'll never believe it is only 'method', a 'look' of the practice described. I thought about it. I also think there is an affinity with some moments of high groundwater of my life I have experienced.

We know that the experience has reached the consciousness of a journey made: it's way, not only 'lived'. You imagine, then, how did you feel before going down a road that does not exclude others, a bit 'like when you undertake new studies to high school or college. After a while ', I keep thinking that you can go back, to take other roads. That 's what makes you feel free: it is not as yet have chosen. Think of freedom as to be always at a crossroads, as if life was just great emotion. As if you were rich in that only wealth you have in one thousand possibility, not one already 'consumed'.

You get to live and soon discover that, after covering a stretch of road, if you happen to believe in what you do and then if you fall in love with the choice made, if you take to think like the same choice, then it will feel a vertigo, a feeling of trepidation, even fear, because you understand that it makes no sense to think of going back before the 'crossroads', where games are your choices. You have already chosen. It is no longer time to decide. Now it's just 'life choice' made. no going back. It is not possible. You start to think that life is this: we can choose not to make any choice, for fear of slipping see life in his hands, but then hear the same pain that life goes on, it hesitates, knows no pause interminable and inconclusive.

You really begin to live when you get the arrow of time. It has been said that nobody was able to stop it. One might say then that life is unrelenting, but not in the sense that it is unjust and violent with us. Rather, it is a time of life, which we are made of dough, that can not be shaped by us. A German philosopher has said that the man is a being-towards-death, as if he were to be dedicated to that single goal. Life is always a little 'die. And learn to live, after all, is learning to die. Learning to live in the time to decide.

So, dear Dario, you'll understand why they are sometimes awkward and shy. Not out of cowardice or weakness I find myself thinking about the next steps. Rather, my hesitation is comparable eternal instant in which the angels themselves in front of the Most High will stop perplexed, as if to introduce a breach of the rule of the Lord: they know that after singing in front of him can not do more for all eternity ...

So we are confronted with the beauty. Linger delighted and perplexed. We want that to happen last forever. Note that we utter must be perfect, even if it can not last. We are not allowed to repeat the same song over and over again.
Every time again, time will remember that the mistake is behind us. One of us is gone forever. We just wait another moment to be seized ecstatic to be able to say who and thing. Again. Again.
We can only hope not to be put to shame and that our voice finally comes out clear and say just herself and her bewildered exist.


Saturday, October 16, 2010

How To Stop Feeling Irritated



I get from Derry and public He is my brother Dario writes.


Dear brother,

Have you heard the news on TV, did you read the newspapers? There is air bomb!

The attack was claimed by the RIRA. Fortunately, apart from the tense atmosphere and a building damaged, there were serious consequences ... the site of the attack is in the suburbs, it seems that the target was the Ulster Bank.

Just to refresh your memory: in '98 there was the "Good Friday Agreement" which ended the troubles, the "unrest" among Protestant unionists and loyalists on one side against the other Catholic nationalists and republicans. At that time, united in the cause of Ireland, the IRA was to hear his reasons to the sound of bombs & bullets, opposed by the notorious Protestant paramilitary militias in cahoots with the British establishment. After negotiations lasted four years, in '98 the IRA laid down their weapons and paramilitary groups in Northern Ireland and began to breathe. With peace comes the real business, after three decades of civil war the "peace process" recognizes the "terrorists" of two factions, the status of prisoners of war and acquitted of any crime. Many ex-combatants return to business as usual, some will "enlist" as a bouncer in pubs, while others join the highest levels of politics. But a dissident fringe that does not compromise, that the RIRA "Real IRA" in fact, continues to struggle.

bomb or not bomb But I feel great: just to stay on topic bombs, school work tête-à-tête with eight women! ;)))))

explosion will see instead will be Halloween! In a couple of weeks here we will be the real casino! Even as a little 'accident changes are noted: shops seemingly anonymous during the year they sell toilet paper and toothpaste to become a pound in the most crooked sellers chincaglie monster-freaks to the Grand Guignol, sell masks at every street corner . Nobody is going to miss it, Halloween. It begins by exposing the beautiful pumpkins in the window, then exit in form, toward the local center, and there is something for everyone, provided it is unusual and grotesque. They range from classic horror to Michael Jackson or Osama Bin Laden. You can see the girls put on display their charms supersuccinti wearing clothes policewoman or odalisque, or cave of Pope Joan ... I wonder how will they run half-naked, with 2 degrees Celsius dictated by the wind and rain!

A Halloween Derry reached the highest peak in Ireland, this year you would not have missed!

The parade is a frenzy of drums, skeletons and other undead galleons, which crosses the center and the walls to finish the River Foyle, for the grand finale of fireworks at midnight. And 'This is the time when children go home and show more adults flock to the streets of downtown, and burn the spirits of Samhain, the beginning Celtic winter.

Many of these creatures of darkness becomes a bit 'pathetic when, at dawn, he found slumped in their own vomit on the roadside, after every drop of alcohol was consumed. E 'at the time, always magical, where everyone goes home, we seem real zombies!

I scared you with the history of the RIRA? Or you had more effect the description of the party? Unwilling I have painted many of these people as drunks ... in fact it is so, and especially for those who consider themselves the true Irish are proud of it!

Slainte! Darius, your brother





Thursday, October 14, 2010

German War Heroes Ww2

The sound of surprise. An endless courtship


Playing a song or an entire program is a account create a new musical language is all another matter. And 'the merit of this Kind of Blue.
Chick Corea

Last night one of my students asked me to talk about improvisation. I had to stop the work we were doing and put me to tell, but above all to explain. Not knowing where to start, I took the volume of the thesis of a friend of mine in Bologna, to seek help, at least at the level of concepts.

Paradox, meeting with the wonder, beauty of imperfection. The definition of improvising reduced to five conditions: inseparability, originality, impromptu, irreversibility, responsiveness.

jazz improvisation is based on a paradox: a musician who has the stage so well prepared to allow the emotion and instinct to push the technical capabilities to explore the unknown. E '"the sound of surprise" that he seeks.

Do not be seduced by the mythology of improvisation as something totally germ, which would take place in the realm of absolute freedom, without the aid of memory, a miracle of spontaneity, as we read in many texts and dictionaries on jazz. On the contrary, improvisation is conditioned by a large body of traditional materials, from exercise and experience, therefore, Sparti how it feels, "is appropriately used - as a metaphor - the German word Einbruch , raid, as suggests a landslide or avalanche, a sudden event, yes, but prepared by long time. It 's true that the decisions "taken" in the course of improvisation are immediate, but the work that is behind these decisions has a long history - hours, days, months, even years. In this sense, improvisation is the product of the experience made by the player: to what he studied, absorbed, forgotten and rejected. "
Last night I did not go well. The boys were amazed by what I was saying. Votes wanted to compare the music to life. They asked if something similar does not happen when we find ourselves faced with a woman or in the middle of a test that is imposed on us without notice. I was reminded of a lecture given by Marchionne a few years ago, he defended the idea that life gives us time. Sometimes you have to take decisions quickly and in situations that do not allow you to put off decisions. These are events that call into question radically: we have to act confident in what we bring in talent in action. We play often bigger things, life itself.

my part, I discussed the ideas of my friend and those of Sparti, Pressing his hand on the musical concept that should have, study, exercise, memory. After all, what experience, if not all of this? The ground covered and the memory of that journey. The rest comes by itself. You may say, but how heavy that "rest"! Sure. It is to return the folds of life and the wave of the time, faces and stories, intervals and pauses ...
The beauty is afterwards.


Friday, October 8, 2010

How To Connectextra Fan To Xbox 360


Like every human being, I have a right to those moments when I can by me ... To hear a unit that acts independently. Stig Dagerman

My brother Dario wrote me recently from Derry to know what you mean to me 'dodges life'. It 'started from the more obvious meaning to express some concern, as if I was going I to retire in a convent or other secluded place. As if I were fleeing from civilization. Topics that have been attacked by an attack of misanthropy!
I replied with a book. Yes, I sent him a book about me. Or rather, talk about that part of me that worries me: the shyness.

Shyness is not fashionable today. Being shy is often considered a disadvantage, even an illness, fear of living, an escape from the competition. The aggressiveness, get off do not belong, do not mark a man and a woman getting a little 'aside, whose withdrawal is a sign of calm and restraint. This book does not want to give advice to counter than once so intensely human. Instead is on the side of those who still blushes, and consider shyness a sensitivity to value, a plot of virtue - the ability to be quiet, be discreet ... - which translates into a more light to be alive.
Dario told me a bit 'hit, as if with my gesture would like to enhance my character, Turning to a defect in my favor, as a high value. To please him, I replied pointing out shortcomings and limitations. I have revealed my secret, I want to confess to you: the face of life I feel like a suitor who finds himself still waiting for a response. But not because I feel the edge ... from life! On the contrary, I consider myself lucky. Goethe would say, a favorite of the gods. I have, in fact, the most precious things a man could want. And I'm not going to list them, because I already did.

Rather, it must be said that my shy demeanor is my way of thanking the good received. I bow in front of the sacred things and beautiful things. I am grateful. If there seems to be clumsy and hesitant is because I think a lot before speaking, and especially before you act. Of the two brothers in talks about mythology - Prometheus and Epimetheus - I follow in the footsteps of the first, but they are fragile as the second.

How do you say are on the side of Prometheus? Are only rational and consistent action? They are bright and fair and wise and aware of me?
But on the other hand, how do you say are on the side of Epimetheus? I'm just feeling and immediacy, spontaneity and innocence?

I wanted to be "rough and simple," as our great poet Eugenio Montale, but life throws you on the scene suddenly overwhelms you, puts you in a hurry, troubles you, confuses you ...
A philosopher of the time of Nero wrote:
How much time did you dedicate yourself [...] how many people have robbed you of your life without you even noticing you of what you lost [. ..] do not ever think that we are fragile beings.
Here! There seems easier to defend its inner core by 'attacks' newspapers of stupidity and vulgarity? A poet expresses Slavic said in this regard:
What prayed with love, as something sacred that
fate to the empty chatter human
abandoned for ridicule.

The crowd came in, the crowd stormed the shrine
within your soul,
sacrifices and mysteries and it opened
you blush in spite of yourself.

Ah, ever the wings
living soul hovering over the crowd could save her from the assault

immortal human vulgarity!

Then, you'll understand why I have done so. Private health insurance? Introverted? Weakness of character? Suspended life? You name it.
I know, though, and I hope you will understand this, that my heart no more hesitation, if I put in the middle of a room - even empty - two maybe a little 'less shadowy than me, to make a Trio or three musicians in love, to make a quartet ...

We know that love is melt from sheets jealous of Copernicus, not the husband of Maria Ivanovna had as rival . Let, then, that we are talking to the rhythms of life that comes forward to announce the sumptuously wins the heart of a woman. For this reason, we are also willing on a cold autumn evening to give up our gloom talk to a piano.


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Sample Loan Application

The first moment of eternity


The stuff of dreams not smoke or wind or breath, or even breath, gasp, sigh ... The sorrows and anxieties of the soul dreams are nourished. The things we never said never. The terrorist tried before a searching look that was on the verge to uncover secrets hidden forever. But most of all loves unmentionable, small cowardice, gestures missed, shame, sexual fantasies just suggested by the meetings of the day ...

Imagine all this, but still imagine that you have your eyes open and you are in a pub of any citizen of the March of Ancona. The lights are dimmed, because everything is about to begin. The musicians are ready, but there's an empty place in their midst. Suddenly, the lights , you are well aware that the singer approaches the microphone and shouts: "Marco Serrani the piano!"

not a dream, but the substance of a dream what is happening. Someone has given your name. He said 'piano', "the piano". There is no doubt: Marco Serrani is called the piano.

you try it for a bit ', but a moment, to invoke the gods of the referrals, but you know that you do not listen to another moment, and you find yourself thinking, but there time to think, you just have to say a yes or no . You know as well that 'in situation' is not contemplated no. And we are in a situation when there is no choice, when everything is already decided, as an order of the sky that falls on you to order the action, action ...

These are the moments before the 'eternal moment , that is when you find yourself living an unforgettable and long dreamed of. Now you're in the middle of the dream. It's up to you. Your hands will run to the keyboard, giving voice to the old leaven that stirs in you.

needed words and phrases, to write a story ... Is there anyone of you. Introduce the theme. Yours is the infinite variations. And why should be under sentence of your hands. The current that wanted to exit the heart and hands to reach the game now.

your whole being is vibrating imperceptibly, like the string that emits the sound which will have to pay a sound. Your sound. But you're the rope that now means the enchantment of the evening and the forest of memories that press and Martina and the slight sweat pearls hands and prevents unfolding of a more rested heading.

But in a moment, you stop the sweat, the silence pervades the room just waiting, the long pause before the boot is draining. You can not come back back. You are at the heart of the dream. Occupied a place that is not yours, but for one night only belongs to you. Here you are not shift workers. They just want music to you. Pure music. Sounds outrageous. There are ears that are waiting, but they are not ears, hands concave facing the roar of the water that comes to cool and refresh the thirst. Thirsty, of course. It is to bring cool and then dissolve and win the narrowness of the mind prisoner. Who came not only wants to listen music and singing. It also seeks shelter and relief, compensation and comfort. You have to reach all the crevices of the soul. The items you find them in crevices and put them side by side to facilitate the flight of the mind.
This is the stuff of dreams lived with open eyes, in a summer evening, or maybe not. Summer has just ended. There is already a hint of autumn in the air. Do not you feel the smell of chestnuts per hour or the rustle of dead leaves. Of one and the season will have to talk about music now. She incederà solemn soul, which otherwise did not announce itself. It will be a single pulse in the air. The source of every movement of the soul is you. And 'who look to you all.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Transpiration Lab Practice

Some things


Some things we link against the finger and laugh.

Some things are hidden in the eyes of the people are heard and

cry softly.

Some things falling from the sky:
shapeless black things, monsters and terror of the night


Some things seem to have been prepared
by God and the Devil.

[...] Some things are like eagles. They live in high
may well forget the valley.

Some things are like an earthquake:
use all our fears.

Some things are like the beauty that is long dead:
only deep water of the well can wash them and wake them.

Emanuele Carnevale, Some things (from the first Lord )

Sometimes the memory of water is raised to the surface of things by a tear that arises from an empty heart. How far we have come before it emerged from that dark background bully crying, articulate long held back a sob as the need for love?
find ourselves listening to an important person for two hours about love and home and roots, and together see a girl crying silently for two hours is bad for the heart. But how much love they needed our guys, if not then it seems that they have received enough or have not received anything!

I asked the son of a friend of my father a few days ago, while complaints against life and all the rest: "But you never tried to ask you what your father see you? If you love? You do not think your father loves you? Do you know his love for you? " - Do not believe it, but he said he does not know! He does not know if his father loves him or not!
I want to say, but how do you go around the roads of the world without knowing whether one is loved or not?
This is what I call "being without roots."

E 'has been written that we are trees. Each of us is a big tree. Not a tree or any tree: a large tree. His law is to be found in the deep roots it sinks into the ground. If we have had many relationships and great loves, great pain if we tried, the more numerous and deep are our roots.

When I wrote " errant root " I did not mean "without roots". Maybe, they are the two houses, two countries who live in me to make me feel torn between both of them: on the one hand, my father's house, the other in the apartment where I live alone. But this is not a reason that makes me feel disoriented and overcome by some kind of discomfort.

The tree bears a house inside. And 'the house that we build over time, with joy and with pain, assigning to each person that we happen to meet a precise meaning, finding a story in the midst of the fragments of a life seemingly without history. It is always drawing faces and to seek and find stories. We must find another tree that we know ourselves to be.

When I say that I live alone in an apartment in Toledo, all run at once to think that my life is sad, I miss the warmth of a family, I have not a woman. And just as quickly they are surprised to hear that I am a woman I loved, that I carry in my heart the many stories that I could build humbly listening to the life that throbbed in front of me every time that a young friend or a musician or a singer improvised spoken to me, or me smile or have had the courage to say that I appreciate my attention. Are surprised to hear that I carry with me the memory faded to nothing of my mother's caresses, his voice roca, recalls, from a distance when my disagreement with his heart and he suffered at seeing me away ... And what about the profound loneliness of my father, who was not afraid for us to stay for hours to hear the voices of the campaign, in search of refreshment, when the rain had already begun to tap the arid land? He feared that the lightning, how exciting to see him watching the sky, looking for answers to his troubles, in the long evenings of late summer ...!

I was also asked what are my roots, if I have it, if I hear a real musician or not. People are always so many questions all at once, because he wants to know everything. Not satisfied with an answer that, perhaps, is worth a thousand speeches, because it leads immediately to the heart of the truth.

I believe in loyalty to the land, in the long goodbyes with whom we bid farewell to it day after day. I know, even if they are still young, you die slowly. Every day that goes away is a part of us dies, because we are mixed of hours and days and months. It seems too easy to count the years. We prefer to think of the long rows of days, that inexorable slide in and out of us. We live the time that marks for us the pace at which we encounter his life respected and honored.

file continuity is required to be able to say: "I'm here, here and now, never forget my time in the world, which takes away the most beautiful things. Establish file continuity is able to love, give meaning to the fragments that fall to our feet and asking only that the broken and reassembled and is not never fall prey to the idea that irreparable damage has occurred, that the evil of which we have witnessed is unredeemable, unforgivable, indefeasible, as if those who make mistakes have to serve for eternity that they were not 'here', always present to themselves and others, committed us to love us just as if nothing else was granted the world if only we do not love us.
