The site of the brain-damaged idiot / PERNA (tbsp) writes
The list of user IDs that follows is a series of characters that are not affiliated with circu.ito, but they are definitely acolytes or otherwise support Terrazzano Rosario. They enjoy open discussion forums (see here ), signal poles on the basis of a simple premise. Arrogant. When it was possible, we found the personal information of these people. Where no ... we just the user ID.
thank one of our supporters for their reporting.
The first thing that comes to mind is that it must be right if a supporter HONEST UNLIKE to bring attention to a tread where we talk about a con man but then the Cazzin mentioned in the idiot / PERNA (tbsp) is the con man who is beaten when caught red-handed (the) lot.
Very funny passage
The list of user IDs that follows is a series of characters that are not affiliated with circu.ito, but they are definitely acolytes or otherwise support Terrazzano Rosario.
meaning: these people have nothing to do with terrace or with your site but only for the fact that you are allowed to speak ill of a fraudster, for solidarity spread among equals, must be immediately pointed at their first admirer ie OTHERWISE HONEST idiot / PERNA (tbsp)
In this case one can speak of a simple premise because you simply look at the feedback
In this case one can speak of a simple premise because you simply look at the feedback
to realize that more than simple premise it is incontrovertible certainties, but of course the question can have only the friends of PERNA
Contact Information malitabolognese83
Name: Malita Bolognese
Company: malitabolognese
City: Casalbordino
Province: CH
Country: Italy
Phone: 347-1390378
Date: Monday, 18 May 2009 17:56:27 EDT
The payment data for the fast money
Bolognese Via Vico II Mattonata 14
66021 Casalbordino CH.
Obviously there is no
Via Vico II Mattonata 14 to Casalbordino
The data collected are all still visible on the stems of the 'seller ' but surely disappear as soon as ebay will not have paid the first bill